With the family

Mosquito Repellent Bracelets

How Mosquito Repellent Bracelets Keep Kids Safe

Mosquitoes are more than just pesky, buzzing creatures. They are carriers of various diseases like dengue, malaria, Zika virus, and more, causing significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. This threat becomes particularly concerning when it comes to our vulnerable children, who…

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South American soil

South American soil, what’s so special there?

South America rhymes with rest, relaxation and well-being. Therefore lots of tourist attractions around the world are situated in beautiful green settings. Relaxation, sports activities and spa treatments will rhythm your stay. Do you want to enjoy the best of holidays…

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family holiday

What are Europe’s best destinations for a family holiday?

When Americans dream of a European vacation, they typically envision Parisian cafes and Roman ruins. But the truth is that Europe has a world of attractions beyond the artifacts of human culture. Though 700 million members of our species populate…

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destinations' best secrets

Best ways to uncover your destinations’ best secrets

Holidays in nature rhyme with rest, relaxation and well-being. Therefore lots of tourist attractions around the world are situated in beautiful green settings. Relaxation, sports activities and spa treatments will rhythm your stay. Do you want to enjoy the best…

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Holidays with family and friends

Experience nature, water fun and adventure: at the shores of Lake Weissensee a family holiday becomes the highlight of the year for Mum, Dad and the kids!

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